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à l'interface de la physique et des neurosciences

Commentaires des étudiants – École d’été Frontiers in Neurophotonics

Feedback des étudiants 2015 Frontiers in Neurophotonics Summer School:

You created a nice atmosphere: I usually never ask question in public, but this time I did!

– Judith Veres, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

This was a fantastic experience! The school was very well organized, and struck just the right balance of exciting talks, interesting lab experiments, and time to interact with fellow students, tutors and mentors. I learned a lot about cutting edge imaging and photoactivation techniques, and am excited to have to opportunity to apply this to my research. I will definitely recommend this school to my colleagues! Thank you again!

– Lindsay-Marie Snyder, University of Pittsburgh

Keep-up the good job!

– Maxime Blanchard, Université de Montréal

Excellent summer school: PIs approachable, excellent PhDs and Postdocs in the demos and well organised

– Maria-Carmen Medrano, Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives, Strasbourg

I had a wonderful time, the presentations were very useful and the demos were very informative

– Pablo Lituma, Albert Einstein College of Medecine, New York

I really enjoyed the school and gained a lot of knowledge. All mentors & Pis were really nice and I will definitely bring a lot of new information to my lab at home.

– Stefanie Anders, Institute of Cellular Neurosciences, University of Bonn

Everyone was so willing to stay late, answer basic questions, and were extremely friendly and approachable.

– Ian Beamish, McGill University

Thanks! What a wonderful experience! I will share the word.

– Michael Mousseau, University of Calgary

View feedback from previous years: 20142013 and 2012