Publications du groupe de neurophysique
Théberge F, Thiré N, Daigle JF, Mathieu P, Schmidt BE, Messaddeq Y, Vallée R, Légaré F. Multioctave infrared supercontinuum generation in large-core As2S3 fibers. Opt Lett. 2014 Nov 15;39(22):6474-7.PubMed
Brouard D, Ratelle O, Perreault J, Boudreau D, St-Louis M. PCR-free blood group genotyping using a nanobiosensor. Vox Sang. 2014 Dec 3.PubMed
Ashdown GW, Cope A, Wiseman PW, Owen DM. Molecular Flow Quantified beyond the Diffraction Limit by Spatiotemporal Image Correlation of Structured Illumination Microscopy Data. Biophys J. 2014 Nov 4;107(9):L21-3.PubMed
Zhou X, Hedberg J, Miyahara Y, Grutter P, Ishibashi K. Scanning gate imaging of two coupled quantum dots in single-walled carbon nanotubes. Nanotechnology. 2014 Dec 12;25(49):495703.PubMed
Haidarliu S, Kleinfeld D, Deschênes M, Ahissar E. The Musculature That Drives Active Touch by Vibrissae and Nose in Mice. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2014 Nov 18.PubMed
Doré K, Labrecque S, Tardif C, De Koninck P. FRET-FLIM Investigation of PSD95-NMDA Receptor Interaction in Dendritic Spines; Control by Calpain, CaMKII and Src Family Kinase. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 13;9(11):e112170.PubMed
Vangheluwe M, Liang F, Petit Y, Hée P, Ledemi Y, Thomas S, Fargin E, Cardinal T, Messaddeq Y, Canioni L, Vallée R. Enhancement of nanograting formation assisted by silver ions in a sodium gallophosphate glass. Opt Lett. 2014 Oct 1;39(19):5491-4.PubMed
Jun JJ, Longtin A, Maler L. Enhanced sensory sampling precedes self-initiated locomotion in an electric fish. J Exp Biol. 2014 Oct 15;217(Pt 20):3615-28.PubMed
Mejias JF, Longtin A. Differential effects of excitatory and inhibitory heterogeneity on the gain and asynchronous state of sparse cortical networks. Front Comput Neurosci. 2014 Sep 12;8:107.PubMed
Deschênes M, Haidarliu S, Demers M, Moore J, Kleinfeld D, Ahissar E. Muscles Involved in Naris Dilation and Nose Motion in Rat. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2014 Sep 25.PubMed
Asselin J, Roy C, Boudreau D, Messaddeq Y, Bouchareb R, Mathieu P. Supported core-shell nanobiosensors for quantitative fluorescence imaging of extracellular pH. Chem Commun (Camb). 2014 Nov 18;50(89):13746-9.PubMed
Khazaei MR, Girouard MP, Alchini R, Ong Tone S, Shimada T, Bechstedt S, Cowan M, Guillet D, Wiseman PW, Brouhard G, Cloutier JF, Fournier AE. Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 4 Regulates Growth Cone Dynamics through the Actin and Microtubule Cytoskeleton. J Biol Chem. 2014 Oct 24;289(43):30133-43.PubMed
Lavoie J, Hébert M, Beaulieu JM. Looking Beyond the Role of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Genetic Expression on Electroretinogram Response: What About Lithium? Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Aug 1. pii: S0006-3223(14)00569-1.PubMed
Lorenzo LE, Magnussen C, Bailey AL, Louis MS, De Koninck Y, Ribeiro-da-Silva A. Spatial and temporal pattern of changes in the number of GAD65-immunoreactive inhibitory terminals in the rat superficial dorsal horn following peripheral nerve injury. Mol Pain. 2014 Sep 4;10:57.PubMed
Perepichka II, Mezour MA, Perepichka DF, Lennox RB. High thermal stability of block copolymer-capped Au and Cu nanoparticles. Chem Commun (Camb). 2014 Sep 11;50(80):11919-21.PubMed
Dumont G, Northoff G, Longtin A. Linear noise approximation for oscillations in a stochastic inhibitory network with delay. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2014 Jul;90(1-1):012702. Epub 2014 Jul 7. PubMed
Lachance M, Longtin A, Morris CE, Yu N, Joós B. Stimulation-induced ectopicity and propagation windows in model damaged axons. J Comput Neurosci. 2014 Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Aubé B, Lévesque SA, Paré A, Chamma E, Kébir H, Gorina R, Lécuyer MA, Alvarez JI, De Koninck Y, Engelhardt B, Prat A, Côté D, Lacroix S. Neutrophils mediate blood-spinal cord barrier disruption in demyelinating neuroinflammatory diseases. J Immunol. 2014 Sep 1;193(5):2438-54.PubMed
Poulin H, Bruhova I, Timour Q, Theriault O, Beaulieu JM, Frassati D, Chahine M. Fluoxetine Blocks Nav1.5 Channels via a Mechanism Similar to That of Class 1 Antiarrhythmics. Mol Pharmacol. 2014 Oct;86(4):378-89.PubMed
Bonin RP, De Koninck Y. A spinal analog of memory reconsolidation enables reversal of hyperalgesia. Nat Neurosci. 2014 Aug;17(8):1043-5.PubMed
Moore JD, Deschênes M, Kurnikova A, Kleinfeld D. Activation and measurement of free whisking in the lightly anesthetized rodent. Nat Protoc. 2014 Aug;9(8):1792-802.PubMed
Skolianos G, Bernier M, Vallée R, Digonnet MJ. Observation of ~20 ns group delay in a low-loss apodized fiber Bragg grating. Opt Lett. 2014 Jul 1;39(13):3978-81.PubMed
Petryszyn S, Beaulieu JM, Parent A, Parent M. Distribution and morphological characteristics of striatal interneurons expressing calretinin in mice: A comparison with human and nonhuman primates. J Chem Neuroanat. 2014 Sep;59-60:51-61.PubMed
Bergeron MJ, Castonguay A, De Koninck Y. [KCC2: a new therapeutical target for the treatment of neurological diseases]. Med Sci (Paris). 2014 May;30(5):514-7.PubMed
Lorenzo LE, Godin AG, Wang F, St-Louis M, Carbonetto S, Wiseman PW, Ribeiro-da-Silva A, De Koninck Y. Gephyrin clusters are absent from small diameter primary afferent terminals despite the presence of GABA(A) receptors. J Neurosci. 2014 Jun 11;34(24):8300-17.PubMed
Thériault G, Cottet M, Castonguay A, McCarthy N, De Koninck Y. Extended two-photon microscopy in live samples with Bessel beams: steadier focus, faster volume scans, and simpler stereoscopic imaging. Front Cell Neurosci. 2014 May 20;8:139.PubMed
Arnspang EC, Koffman JS, Marlar S, Wiseman PW, Nejsum LN. Easy measurement of diffusion coefficients of EGFP-tagged plasma membrane proteins using k-Space Image Correlation Spectroscopy. J Vis Exp. 2014 May 10;(87).PubMed
Iolov A, Ditlevsen S, Longtin A. Stochastic optimal control of single neuron spike trains. J Neural Eng. 2014 Aug;11(4):046004.PubMed
Haboucha A, Fortin V, Bernier M, Genest J, Messaddeq Y, Vallée R. Fiber Bragg grating stabilization of a passively mode-locked 2.8 μm Er3+: fluoride glass fiber laser. Opt Lett. 2014 Jun 1;39(11):3294-7.PubMed
Oliver JC, Beaulieu JM, Gall LF, Piel WH, Monteiro A. Nymphalid eyespot serial homologues originate as a few individualized modules. Proc Biol Sci. 2014 Jul 22;281(1787). pii: 20133262.PubMed
Zou M, De Koninck P, Neve RL, Friedrich RW. Fast gene transfer into the adult zebrafish brain by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and electroporation: methods and optogenetic applications. Front Neural Circuits. 2014 May 6;8:41.PubMed
Zhu J, Chin J, Wängler C, Wängler B, Lennox RB, Schirrmacher R. Rapid (18)F-Labeling and Loading of PEGylated Gold Nanoparticles for in Vivo Applications. Bioconjug Chem. 2014 May 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Kleinfeld D, Deschênes M, Wang F, Moore JD. More than a rhythm of life: breathing as a binder of orofacial sensation. Nat Neurosci. 2014 May;17(5):647-51.PubMed
Iolov A, Ditlevsen S, Longtin A. Fokker-Planck and Fortet Equation-Based Parameter Estimation for a Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model with Sinusoidal and Stochastic Forcing. J Math Neurosci. 2014 Apr 17;4(1):4.PubMed
Clarke SE, Longtin A, Maler L. A neural code for looming and receding motion is distributed over a population of electrosensory ON and OFF contrast cells. J Neurosci. 2014 Apr 16;34(16):5583-94.PubMed
Bonin RP, Bories C, De Koninck Y. A simplified up-down method (SUDO) for measuring mechanical nociception in rodents using von Frey filaments. Mol Pain. 2014 Apr 16;10(1):26. PubMed
Raebel MA, Newcomer SR, Bayliss EA, Boudreau D, Debar L, Elliott TE, Ahmed AT, Pawloski PA, Fisher D, Toh S, Donahoo WT. Chronic opioid use emerging after bariatric surgery. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2014 Apr 14.PubMed
Thivierge JP, Comas R, Longtin A. Attractor dynamics in local neuronal networks. Front Neural Circuits. 2014 Mar 20;8:22.PubMed
Bernier M, Fortin V, El-Amraoui M, Messaddeq Y, Vallée R. 3.77 μm fiber laser based on cascaded Raman gain in a chalcogenide glass fiber. Opt Lett. 2014 Apr 1;39(7):2052-5.PubMed
Paul W, Oliver D, Grütter P. Indentation-formed nanocontacts: an atomic-scale perspective. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2014 May 14;16(18):8201-22.PubMed
Tyan L, Chamberland S, Magnin E, Camiré O, Francavilla R, David LS, Deisseroth K, Topolnik L. Dendritic inhibition provided by interneuron-specific cells controls the firing rate and timing of the hippocampal feedback inhibitory circuitry. J Neurosci. 2014 Mar 26;34(13):4534-47.PubMed
Krahe R, Maler L. Neural maps in the electrosensory system of weakly electric fish. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2014 Feb;24C:13-21.PubMed
Mezour MA, Perepichka II, Zhu J, Lennox RB, Perepichka DF. Directing the Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles with Two-Dimensional Molecular Networks. ACS Nano. 2014 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Duval S, Olivier M, Bernier M, Vallée R, Piché M. Ultrashort pulses from an all-fiber ring laser incorporating a pair of chirped fiber Bragg gratings. Opt Lett. 2014 Feb 15;39(4):989-92.PubMed
Spencer JA, Ferraro F, Roussakis E, Klein A, Wu J, Runnels JM, Zaher W, Mortensen LJ, Alt C, Turcotte R, Yusuf R, Côté D, Vinogradov SA, Scadden DT, Lin CP. Direct measurement of local oxygen concentration in the bone marrow of live animals. Nature. 2014 Mar 2.PubMed
Breton-Provencher V, Coté D, Saghatelyan A. Activity of the Principal Cells of the Olfactory Bulb Promotes a Structural Dynamic on the Distal Dendrites of Immature Adult-Born Granule Cells via Activation of NMDA Receptors. J Neurosci. 2014 Jan 29;34(5):1748-59.PubMed
Prescott SA, Ma Q, De Koninck Y. Normal and abnormal coding of somatosensory stimuli causing pain. Nat Neurosci. 2014 Feb;17(2):183-91.PubMed
Jowett N, Wöllmer W, Reimer R, Zustin J, Schumacher U, Wiseman PW, Mlynarek AM, Böttcher A, Dalchow CV, Lörincz BB, Knecht R, Miller RJ. Bone Ablation without Thermal or Acoustic Mechanical Injury via a Novel Picosecond Infrared Laser (PIRL). Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Dec 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Lavertu G, Côté SL, De Koninck Y. Enhancing K-Cl co-transport restores normal spinothalamic sensory coding in a neuropathic pain model. Brain. 2013 Dec 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Marceau V, Varin C, Brabec T, Piché M. Femtosecond 240-keV electron pulses from direct laser acceleration in a low-density gas. Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Nov 27;111(22):224801. Epub 2013 Nov 27. PubMed
Arnspang EC, Schwartzentruber J, Clausen MP, Wiseman PW, Lagerholm BC. Bridging the Gap between Single Molecule and Ensemble Methods for Measuring Lateral Dynamics in the Plasma Membrane. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 4;8(12):e78096.PubMed
Daou I, Tuttle AH, Longo G, Wieskopf JS, Bonin RP, Ase AR, Wood JN, De Koninck Y, Ribeiro-da-Silva A, Mogil JS, Séguéla P. Remote optogenetic activation and sensitization of pain pathways in freely moving mice. J Neurosci. 2013 Nov 20;33(47):18631-40.PubMed
Recasens A, Dehay B, Bové J, Carballo-Carbajal I, Dovero S, Pérez A, Fernagut PO, Blesa J, Parent A, Perier C, Fariñas I, Obeso JA, Bezard E, Vila M. Lewy body extracts from parkinson’s disease brains trigger α-synuclein pathology and neurodegeneration in mice and monkeys. Ann Neurol. 2013 Nov 16.PubMed
Medvedev IO, Ramsey AJ, Masoud ST, Bermejo MK, Urs N, Sotnikova TD, Beaulieu JM, Gainetdinov RR, Salahpour A. D1 Dopamine Receptor Coupling to PLCβ Regulates Forward Locomotion in Mice. J Neurosci. 2013 Nov 13;33(46):18125-33.PubMed
Potvin-Trottier L, Chen L, Horwitz AR, Wiseman PW. A nu-space for ICS: characterization and application to measure protein transport in live cells. New J Phys. 2013 Aug;15.PubMed
Ba C, Bah ST, D’Auteuil M, Ashrit PV, Vallée R. Fabrication of High-Quality VO(2) Thin Films by Ion-Assisted Dual ac Magnetron Sputtering. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2013 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Dury AY, El Fatimy R, Tremblay S, Rose TM, Côté J, De Koninck P, Khandjian EW. Nuclear Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Is localized to Cajal Bodies. PLoS Genet. 2013 Oct;9(10):e1003890.PubMed
Del’guidice T, Lemay F, Lemasson M, Levasseur-Moreau J, Manta S, Etievant A, Escoffier G, Doré FY, Roman FS, Beaulieu JM. Stimulation of 5-HT(2C) Receptors Improves Cognitive Deficits Induced by Human Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 Loss of Function Mutation. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2013 Nov 7.PubMed
Gasecka A, Daradich A, Dehez H, Piché M, Côté D. Resolution and contrast enhancement in coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering microscopy. Opt Lett. 2013 Nov 1;38(21):4510-3. PubMed
Paul W, Oliver D, Miyahara Y, Grütter P. Transient adhesion and conductance phenomena in initial nanoscale mechanical contacts between dissimilar metals. Nanotechnology. 2013 Oct 31;24(47):475704. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Goldman JS, Ashour MA, Magdesian MH, Tritsch NX, Harris SN, Christofi N, Chemali R, Stern YE, Thompson-Steckel G, Gris P, Glasgow SD, Grutter P, Bouchard JF, Ruthazer ES, Stellwagen D, Kennedy TE. Netrin-1 Promotes Excitatory Synaptogenesis between Cortical Neurons by Initiating Synapse Assembly. J Neurosci. 2013 Oct 30;33(44):17278-89.PubMed
Bégin S, Bélanger E, Laffray S, Aubé B, Chamma E, Bélisle J, Lacroix S, De Koninck Y, Côté D. Local assessment of myelin health in a multiple sclerosis mouse model using a 2D Fourier transform approach. Biomed Opt Express. 2013 Sep 5;4(10):2003-14.PubMed
Barbeau A, Swift JL, Godin AG, De Koninck Y, Wiseman PW, Beaulieu JM. Spatial Intensity Distribution Analysis (SpIDA): A New Tool for Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Activation and Transactivation Quantification. Methods Cell Biol. 2013;117:1-19. PubMed
Lavoie J, Hébert M, Beaulieu JM. Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Overexpression Replicates Electroretinogram Anomalies of Offspring at High Genetic Risk for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2013 Oct 16.PubMed
Gagnon M, Bergeron MJ, Lavertu G, Castonguay A, Tripathy S, Bonin RP, Perez-Sanchez J, Boudreau D, Wang B, Dumas L, Valade I, Bachand K, Jacob-Wagner M, Tardif C, Kianicka I, Isenring P, Attardo G, Coull JA, De Koninck Y. Chloride extrusion enhancers as novel therapeutics for neurological diseases. Nat Med. 2013 Oct 6.PubMed
Ferrini F, De Koninck Y. Microglia Control Neuronal Network Excitability via BDNF Signalling. Neural Plast. 2013;2013:429815. Epub 2013 Sep 5. Review. PubMed PMID: 24089642″ target= »_blank »>PubMed
Bonin RP, De Koninck Y. Restoring ionotropic inhibition as an analgesic strategy. Neurosci Lett. 2013 Sep 27.PubMed
Mejias JF, Marsat G, Bol K, Maler L, Longtin A. Learning contrast-invariant cancellation of redundant signals in neural systems. PLoS Comput Biol. 2013 Sep;9(9):e1003180.PubMed
Zhu J, Hiltz J, Lennox RB, Schirrmacher R. Chemical modification of single walled carbon nanotubes with tetrazine-tethered gold nanoparticles via a Diels-Alder reaction. Chem Commun (Camb). 2013 Oct 8;49(87):10275-7.PubMed
Harvey-Girard E, Maler L. Dendritic SK channels convert NMDA-R dependent LTD to Burst Timing Dependent Plasticity. J Neurophysiol. 2013 Sep 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Harvey-Girard E, Maler L. Dendritic SK channels convert NMDA-R dependent LTD to Burst Timing Dependent Plasticity. J Neurophysiol. 2013 Sep 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Magnan F, Gagnon J, Fontaine FG, Boudreau D. Indium@silica core-shell nanoparticles as plasmonic enhancers of molecular luminescence in the UV region. Chem Commun (Camb). 2013 Oct 18;49(81):9299-301. PubMed
Wiseman PW. Fluctuation imaging spiced up with a piece of PIE. Biophys J. 2013 Aug 20;105(4):831.PubMed
Brandão HB, Sangji H, Pandžić E, Bechstedt S, Brouhard GJ, Wiseman PW. Measuring ligand-receptor binding kinetics and dynamics using k-space image correlation spectroscopy. Methods. 2013 Aug 9.PubMed
Lavoie J, Hébert M, Beaulieu JM. Glycogen synthase kinase-3β haploinsufficiency lengthens the circadian locomotor activity period in mice. Behav Brain Res. 2013 Sep 15;253:262-5.PubMed
Del’guidice T, Lemasson M, Etiévant A, Manta S, Magno LA, Escoffier G, Roman FS, Beaulieu JM. Dissociations between cognitive and motor effects of psychostimulants and atomoxetine in hyperactive DAT-KO mice. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2013 Aug 3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Clarke SE, Naud R, Longtin A, Maler L. Speed-invariant encoding of looming object distance requires power law spike rate adaptation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Aug 13;110(33):13624-9.PubMed
Dehez H, Piché M, De Koninck Y. Resolution and contrast enhancement in laser scanning microscopy using dark beam imaging. Opt Express. 2013 Jul 1;21(13):15912-25.PubMed
Nagai Y, Carbajal JD, White JH, Sladek R, Grutter P, Lennox RB. An electrochemically controlled microcantilever biosensor. Langmuir. 2013 Aug 13;29(32):9951-7.PubMed
Harvey-Girard E, Maler L. Dendritic SK channels convert NMDA-R dependent LTD to Burst Timing Dependent Plasticity. J Neurophysiol. 2013 Sep 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
Jun JJ, Longtin A, Maler L. Real-Time Localization of Moving Dipole Sources for Tracking Multiple Free-Swimming Weakly Electric Fish. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 21;8(6):e66596. Print 2013. PubMed
Arsenault D, Dal-Pan A, Tremblay C, Bennett DA, Guitton MJ, De Koninck Y, Tonegawa S, Calon F. PAK inactivation impairs social recognition in 3xTg-AD Mice without increasing brain deposition of tau and Aβ. J Neurosci. 2013 Jun 26;33(26):10729-40.PubMed
Parent A. Niels Stensen: a 17th century scientist with a modern view of brain organization. Can J Neurol Sci. 2013 Jul;40(4):482-92. PubMed
David LS, Schachner M, Saghatelyan A. The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-R affects adult but not developmental neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb. J Neurosci. 2013 Jun 19;33(25):10324-39.PubMed
Latapy C, Beaulieu JM. β-Arrestins in the central nervous system. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2013;118:267-95.PubMed
Rappaz B, Wiseman PW. Image correlation spectroscopy for measurements of particle densities and colocalization. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. 2013 Jun;Chapter 4:Unit 4.27.1-15.PubMed
Moore JD, Deschênes M, Furuta T, Huber D, Smear MC, Demers M, Kleinfeld D. Hierarchy of orofacial rhythms revealed through whisking and breathing. Nature. 2013 May 9;497(7448):205-10.PubMed
Doyon N, Ferrini F, Gagnon M, De Koninck Y. Treating pathological pain: is KCC2 the key to the gate? Expert Rev Neurother. 2013 May;13(5):469-71.PubMed
Thériault G, De Koninck Y, McCarthy N. Extended depth of field microscopy for rapid volumetric two-photon imaging. Opt Express. 2013 Apr 22;21(8):10095-104.PubMed
Programme de Neurophysique
Groupe de neurophysique
Utilisez les liens suivants pour effectuer une recherche par auteur (liens vers PubMed):
- Martin Beaulieu (CRIUSMQ)
- Denis Boudreau (U Laval)
- Daniel Côté (CRIUSMQ)
- Paul De Koninck (CRIUSMQ)
- Yves De Koninck (CRIUSMQ)
- Martin Deschênes (CRIUSMQ)
- Peter Grutter (McGill)
- Bruce Lennox (McGill)
- André Longtin (U Ottawa)
- Léonard Maler (U Ottawa)
- André Parent (CRIUSMQ)
- Michel Piché (COPL)
- Armen Saghatelyan (CRIUSMQ)
- Lisa Topolnik (CRIUSMQ)
- Réal Vallée (COPL)
- Paul Wiseman (McGill)