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à l'interface de la physique et des neurosciences

2019 | The 5th Annual Canadian Neurophotonic Platform Satellite Meeting

Date: May 22, 2019, full day

Location: Sheraton Centre Toronto (CAN meeting HQ)

Organiser: Jean-Claude Béique, University of Ottawa, for the Canadian Neurophotonics platform

Brief description of event

The 5th Annual Canadian Neurophotonic Plateform Satellite Meeting
This all-day short course will highlight new imaging and optogenetic-based methods for the study of brain function across several model organisms. The invited speakers will present novel data from their research programs, but with an emphasis in providing pedagogical accounts of the photonic approach for the community’s benefit. Presentations will cover broad topics ranging from optical interrogations of brain function across different scales, from synapses to behavior, and novel hardware development. A particular emphasis will be given to provide an updated and critical coverage of the expanding number of viral strategies now available to the community to express in the brain the exploding palette of available opsins and optical reporters.

Speakers included

Daniel Coté (Université Laval)
Yves De Koninck (Université Laval)
Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal (Université Laval)
Sheena Josselyn (SickKids; University of Toronto)
Brian MacVicar (University of British Columbia)
Marie-Eve Paquet (Université Laval)
Edward Ruthazer (McGill University)
Yi Shen (University of Alberta)
Stuart Trenholm (McGill University)
Ticket price: Registration fees are $60 if combined with CAN registration or $80 for the satellite only. Lunch is included.


Download the program: Neurophonics 2019 -PDF

May 22, 2019


9:00 WELCOME: Yves de Koninck (CERVO Brain Research Center, Université Laval)


SESSION 1: Workshop on viral strategies for optical interrogation of brain function.

Chair: Jean-Claude Béïque

9:10 Marie-Ève Paquet (CERVO Brain Research Center, Université Laval)

AAV-based approaches for gene transfer in the nervous system

9:50 Stuart Trenholm (MNI, McGill University)

Rabies virus based tracing strategies for understanding brain circuits

10:30: COFFEE BREAK Lobby


SESSION 2 Chair: Kurt Haas

11:00 Yi Shen (University of Alberta)

Recent advances in engineering genetically-encoded optical indicators for neuronal activities

11:30 Sheena Josselyn (SickKids; University of Toronto)

Reversing deficits in synaptic plasticity restores population dynamics and memory in a mouse model used to study Alzheimer’s disease


12:00 LUNCH  (included with registration)  Quinn’s Steakhouse, Sheraton Centre Hotel


SESSION 3 Chair: Jaideep Bains

14:00 Daniel Côté (CERVO Brain Research Center, Université Laval)

Neurosurgical guidance with optical tools

14:30 Brian MacVicar (UBC)

The development of optical approaches to understand brain function/dysfunction: From Intrinsic optical Signals to Fluorescence lifetime imaging


15:00  COFFEE BREAK Lobby


SESSION 4 Chair:            Paul de Koninck

15:30 Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal (CERVO Brain Research Center, Université Laval) Machine learning approaches in microscopy : system optimization and image analysis in real-time

16:00 Ed Ruthazer (MNI, McGill University)

Wherefore art thou, NMDAR? Distinct roles of pre- and postsynaptic NMDARs in development”

16:30            CLOSING REMARKS: Yves De Koninck

17:00            Opening of the 13th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting

Sponsors of the Canadian Neurophotonics Platform symposium:

  • Frontiers in Neural Circuits,
  • University of Ottawa Brain and Mind Institute,
  • Bliq photonics,
  • Sentinel North,
  • CERVO Brain Research Centre