Freeze Substitution Automate System
Company: Leica Microsystems
Model: AF
- Dehydration of frozen biological samples at low temperature.
- Dehydration of chemically fixed biological samples at subzero temperatures according to the PLT technique (progressive dehydration).
- Infiltration of dehydrated samples with embedding media at subzero and higher temperatures.
- UV- polymerisation of embedded biological samples at subzero temperatures in capsules of various kinds or in flat embedding moulds.
- Conventional dehydration, embedding and heat polymerisation used for biological samples.
Leica Freeze Substitution Automate System
Cell sorting
- Cell sorting | Services and Applications
- Cell Sorting Equipment
- Cell Sorting Platform
- Cell Sorting Platform – Fees
Electron Microscopy
- Automatic Plunge Freezer (Vitrobot)
- Automatic Vibrating Blade Microtome (Vibratome)
- Carbon Evaporator
- Electron Microscopy | Training & Reservation
- Electron Microscopy Facility – Overview
- Freeze Substitution Automate System
- High Pressure Freezer and Rapid Transfer System
- Transmission Electron Microscope
- Ultramicrotome and cryo-ultramicrotome