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Publications 2012

Camiré O, Topolnik L. Functional compartmentalisation and regulation of postsynaptic Ca2+ transients in inhibitory interneurons. Cell Calcium. 2012 Nov;52(5):339-46. Epub 2012 May 30. Review. PubMed

Li Y, Vermeulen D, De Koninck Y, Yurtsever G, Roelkens G, Baets R. Compact grating couplers on silicon-on-insulator with reduced backreflection. Opt Lett. 2012 Nov 1;37(21):4356-8. PubMed

Caillier B, Pilote S, Castonguay A, Patoine D, Ménard-Desrosiers V, Vigneault P, Hreiche R, Turgeon J, Daleau P, De Koninck Y, Simard C, Drolet B. QRS widening and QT prolongation under bupropion: a unique cardiac electrophysiological profile. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Oct;26(5):599-608. PubMed

Vermeulen D, De Koninck Y, Li Y, Lambert E, Bogaerts W, Baets R, Roelkens G. Reflectionless grating couplers for Silicon-on-Insulator photonic integrated circuits. Opt Express. 2012 Sep 24;20(20):22278-83. PubMed

Lemieux M, Labrecque S, Tardif C, Labrie-Dion É, Lebel É, De Koninck P. Translocation of CaMKII to dendritic microtubules supports the plasticity of local synapses. J Cell Biol. 2012 Sep 17;198(6):1055-73. Epub 2012 Sep 10. PubMed

Khlghatyan J, Saghatelyan A. Time-lapse imaging of neuroblast migration in acute slices of the adult mouse forebrain. J Vis Exp. 2012 Sep 12;(67):e4061. PubMed

El Gaamouch F, Buisson A, Moustié O, Lemieux M, Labrecque S, Bontempi B, De Koninck P, Nicole O. Interaction between αCaMKII and GluN2B controls ERK-dependent plasticity. J Neurosci. 2012 Aug 1;32(31):10767-79. PubMed

de Rivero Vaccari JP, Bastien D, Yurcisin G, Pineau I, Dietrich WD, De Koninck Y, Keane RW, Lacroix S. P2X4 receptors influence inflammasome activation after spinal cord injury. J Neurosci. 2012 Feb 29;32(9):3058-66. PubMed

Breton-Provencher V, Saghatelyan A. Newborn neurons in the adult olfactory bulb: unique properties for specific odor behavior. Behav Brain Res. 2012 Feb 14;227(2):480-9. Epub 2011 Aug 6. Review. PubMed

Topolnik L. Dendritic calcium mechanisms and long-term potentiation in cortical inhibitory interneurons. Eur J Neurosci. 2012 Feb;35(4):496-506. Epub 2012 Feb 6. Review. PubMed

Bélanger E, Crépeau J, Laffray S, Vallée R, De Koninck Y, Côté D. Live animal myelin histomorphometry of the spinal cord with video-rate multimodal nonlinear microendoscopy. J Biomed Opt. 2012 Feb;17(2):021107. PubMed

Bozoyan L, Khlghatyan J, Saghatelyan A. Astrocytes control the development of the migration-promoting vasculature scaffold in the postnatal brain via VEGF signaling. J Neurosci. 2012 Feb 1;32(5):1687-704. PubMed

Chamberland S, Topolnik L. Inhibitory control of hippocampal inhibitory neurons. Front Neurosci. 2012;6:165. Epub 2012 Nov 14. PubMed

Camiré O, Lacaille JC, Topolnik L. Dendritic Signaling in Inhibitory Interneurons: Local Tuning via Group I Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors. Front Physiol. 2012;3:259. Epub 2012 Jul 9. PubMed

Bories C, Guitton MJ, Julien C, Tremblay C, Vandal M, Msaid M, De Koninck Y, Calon F. Sex-dependent alterations in social behaviour and cortical synaptic activity coincide at different ages in a model of Alzheimer’s disease. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e46111. Epub 2012 Sep 24. PubMed

Flynn R, Labrie-Dion E, Bernier N, Colicos MA, De Koninck P, Zamponi GW. Activity-dependent subcellular cotrafficking of the small GTPase Rem2 and Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase IIα. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e41185. Epub 2012 Jul 18. PubMed

El Fatimy R, Tremblay S, Dury AY, Solomon S, De Koninck P, Schrader JW, Khandjian EW. Fragile X mental retardation protein interacts with the RNA-binding protein Caprin1 in neuronal RiboNucleoProtein complexes [corrected]. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e39338. Epub 2012 Jun 21. Erratum in: PLoS One. 2012;7(9). PubMed