Quebec Mental Health Institute
Key researcher: Paul De Koninck, Ph.D
The Neurophotonics Centre is located at the Québec Mental Health Institute – Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec (IUSMQ), and has unique expertise in Neurophotonics research.
Examples of the expertise of Paul De Koninck and his colleagues include:
- calcium imaging,
- video microscopy to track cells,
- tracking single molecules,
- STED and other super resolution imaging techniques, with multiple colors.
Multiple other technologies have been developed by members of the Neurophotonics Centre, such as
- optrodes and microoptrodes, which are probes that can be used to simultaneously stimulate with light and record activity of single cells.
- expertise in microscopy
- fiber optics technologies, developed in collaboration with engineers and physicists, members of the Neurophotonics centre.
The Neurophotonics Centre is also recognized for its training programs.