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Laser expert See Leang Chin named Emeritus professor

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See Leang Chin seated at right of image (photo Marc Robitaille)

Recently retired professor See Leang Chin has been named Emeritus professor by the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Université Laval on September 25 2014. The Emeritus professor status is the highest honour the University can give to its professors.

Dr. See Leang Chin is a world-renowned expert in the science and technology of ultrarapid and intense laser. His contribution to making Québec city an worldwide pole of attraction in the areas of optics and photonics was highlighted, notably by the creation of the Institut National d’Optique (INO). He also initiated many project to promote entrepreneurship in students, leading to the development a hotspot of optics industries in the Québec city area.

Read more about this in Le Fil, the Université Laval Newspaper