The Sentinel North strategy, which was awarded a historic amount of 98 million dollars through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, was the subject of a recent article in Le Devoir newspaper. In this article, Yves De Koninck and Marcel Babin, Scientific Co-Directors of Sentinel North, explain the fundamentally transdisciplinary nature of the approaches proposed to study the human-environment system in the Canadian North.
The main objective of this research strategy is to understand the coupled system of human-environnement in the North, specifically with optic technologies.
explains Marcel Babin in Le Devoir.
I anticipate extremely innovative approaches, because true transdisciplinarity is extremely fertile, says Yves De Koninck. When you invite people from domains as diverse as mental health and the environment to collaborate, you invariably get very creatives proposals.
Read the complete article, in French, in the November 7th edition of Le Devoir: SENTINELLE NORD – Stratégie de recherche pour mieux comprendre le Nord
Learn more on the Sentinel North Canada First Research Excellence Fund webpage.