Sentinel North
Shedding light on the North
Funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, the Sentinel North Strategy allows Université Laval to draw on over a half-century of northern and optics/photonics research to develop innovative new technology and improve our understanding of the northern environment and its impact on human beings and their health. Sentinel North is built around a major transdisciplinary research program to create new international mixed research units and research chairs, recruit world-class professors, and train the next generation of researchers capable of solving the complex problems of a changing North.
The CERVO Brain Research Centre, with expertise in neuroscience and an important strength in neurophotonics, is also at the heart of the biophotonics graduate programs (Masters and PhD). These programs, unique in Canada, have been selected as flagship Sentinel North programs due to their transdisciplinary nature, at the crossroads between the environment, life sciences and optics-photonics.
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