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The two faces of morphine – Top 10 discovery of 2013 by Quebec Science and Pain Research Forum

An article published in Nature Neuroscience in January 2013 by Yves De Koninck and his collaborators is recognized as one of the top ten discoveries of 2013 by the magazine Quebec Science.  We invite you to read the story here: Québec Science (in French only), and to then vote for this story, which could be named discovery of the year following the popular vote.  The deadline to vote for the discovery of the year is February 20th, 2014.

The scientific article in Nature Neuroscience was also featured on the Pain Research Forum (PRF) website, where it has become one of the top 10 most popular stories of the year.  The PRF was built and is maintained by the Harvard Neurodiscovery Center and aims to “provide a place for members of the international pain research community to engage in an open exchange of information and ideas”. It features the most important discoveries in pain research made worldwide.