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at the interface of physics & neuroscience

Transparent vertebrate animal models for the study of neuronal connectivity and development

Single plane imaging of calcium activity in larval zebrafish expressing GCaMP6s (plasmid DNA micro-injected in freshly fertilized embryo for mosaic expression) with resonant scanner two-photon microscopy. Left: neuronal activity in the optic tectum in response to visual stimulation (light-dark transitions). Right: cropped region (box)

Single plane imaging of calcium activity in larval zebrafish expressing GCaMP6s (plasmid DNA micro-injected in freshly fertilized embryo for mosaic expression) with resonant scanner two-photon microscopy. Left: neuronal activity in the optic tectum in response to visual stimulation (light-dark transitions). Right: cropped region (box)
Single plane imaging of calcium activity in larval zebrafish expressing GCaMP6s (plasmid DNA micro-injected in freshly fertilized embryo for mosaic expression) with resonant scanner two-photon microscopy. Left: neuronal activity in the optic tectum in response to visual stimulation (light-dark transitions). Right: cropped region (box)