17th Edition
May 28 - June 7, 2024 | Quebec city | Canada
Summer School
Frontiers in Neurophotonics
A Summer school on advanced optical imaging and photoactivation techniques
Please read the following information carefully, as they are very important for your application.
The application deadline is February 14, 2024.
All applicants must provide the following:
If you plan on applying to the school, please let us know by completing this short form. It constitutes an optional declaration of interest that is not binding for the candidates, but it will help organize the work of the selection committee. Your collaboration is greatly appreciated.
The application package should be sent by email to
The registration fee is $3000 CAD, which represents approximately 50% of the real cost. The difference is subsidized by the generous contribution of our sponsors and through our training grant programs.
For reference, this price is approximately 2200 USD, or 2000 euros.
These fees cover:
Payment must be received in full before April 1st, 2024, at the end of the day.
Details about payment will be given to the candidates who have been selected to take part in the school.