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Optics-photonics research at the heart of Sentinel North – A Canada First Research initiative

The largest research subsidy in the history of Université Laval, an imposing 98 millions $ over seven years, will support researchers, and allow the creation of the Sentinel North research initiative.  

Sentinel North represents an unprecedented strategy in the history of northern research in Canada. This scientific initiative from Université Laval is based on a multisectoral and cross-cutting approach that relies on more than 60 years of northern research, numerous Canadian experts and an extensive network of international collaborations. The goal is to improve our understanding of humanity, its environment and the impact environmental changes are having on humans and their health. This strategy is part of the Canada First program, which will inject  350 millions $ in five major research projects in Canada.

Sentinel North’s scientific orientation will be driven by two world renowned researchers:

  • Marcel Babin, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Remote Sensing of Canada’s New Arctic Frontier, and Director of the Takuvik Joint International Laboratory (Université Laval/CNRS); and
  • Dr. Yves De Koninck, Scientific Director at the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec and Director of Research at the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale.

Sentinel North is based on a convergence of strategic research fields in which Université Laval plays a national and international leadership role: Arctic sciences, optics-photonics, cardiometabolic and mental health. It is a broad synergistic initiative that brings together several cutting-edge research programs.

“The Sentinel North strategy will have a profoundly human character, by articulating its research axes around the impacts of climatic change on the well-being of populations” , states Yves De Koninck.

Learn more about this project

Sentinel North – Canada first website

Article  Le Soleil newspaper (in French only): Études nordiques: l’Université Laval reçoit une subvention de 98 millions $

Article in  Le Fil de l’Université Laval (in French only): Apogée nordique – L’Université obtient une subvention historique de 98 millions$ du gouvernement fédéral pour le projet Sentinelle Nord